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Understanding The Queen of Cups as Feelings in Tarot Readings

The Queen of Cups as Feelings

The Queen of Cups is one of the court cards in the Tarot deck. She is often depicted as a beautiful and serene woman holding a cup, which symbolizes emotions, intuition, and the subconscious. The Queen of Cups is associated with the water element, which represents emotions, intuition, and the depths of the unconscious mind.

The Queen of Cups as Feelings in a Relationship

In a love reading, the Queen of Cups represents deep emotional connection, nurturing, and empathy. If the Queen of Cups shows up as someone’s feelings towards their partner, it indicates that the person is feeling very emotionally connected and deeply cares about their partner’s well-being. They are willing to put in the effort to make the relationship work and are willing to be there for their partner through thick and thin.

The Queen of Cups as Feelings in Career or Business

In a career reading, the Queen of Cups represents emotional intelligence, empathy, and intuition. If the Queen of Cups shows up as someone’s feelings towards their job or business, it indicates that the person is emotionally invested in their work and is committed to their goals. They are likely to be good listeners and team players and are capable of handling complex situations with ease.

The Queen of Cups as Feelings in Self-Development

In a self-development reading, the Queen of Cups represents emotional maturity, self-care, and intuition. If the Queen of Cups shows up as someone’s feelings towards themselves, it indicates that the person is in touch with their emotions and is willing to prioritize their self-care. They may be going through a period of introspection and are likely to be working on their emotional healing.

Reversed Queen of Cups as Feelings

When the Queen of Cups is reversed, her positive qualities may be distorted, and her negative aspects may come to the surface. In a love reading, the reversed Queen of Cups may indicate that the person is feeling emotionally drained or disconnected from their partner. In a career reading, it may indicate that the person is struggling to balance their emotions and work, leading to burnout. In a self-development reading, it may indicate that the person is not taking care of their emotional needs and is avoiding confronting their emotions.


In conclusion, the Queen of Cups in Tarot represents emotional intelligence, empathy, and nurturing qualities. Understanding the different aspects of the Queen of Cups as feelings in Tarot readings can help you gain insight into your emotions, relationships, career, and self-development. However, it is important to remember that Tarot readings are not definitive and should be taken as a tool for guidance and self-reflection.

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