
How To Increase Instagram Followers

How To Increase Instagram Followers

How To Increase Instagram Followers: What began as an internet-based social media platform has grown into one of the most effective marketing tools available to businesses across the globe. Instagram has greater than 1.21 billion active users. This means that the correct Instagram strategies will help your business get in front of many potential clients, and increase the revenue of your business, which only a few things can.

Yes, Instagram offers opportunities but it also comes with intense, fierce competition. The growth of Instagram isn’t as straightforward as it used to be. If you’re looking to learn How To Increase Instagram Followers and surpass your competitors This guide is perfect for you.

Today, we’ll reveal 15 fantastic hacks to boost your Instagram marketing strategy and grow your following steadily (or quickly) in time, so be sure to follow this post until the very end.

How To Increase Instagram Followers

It’s time to get into the specifics! In this article, we’ll go over all those 15 Instagram tricks to make the graph of your followers on Instagram an exponential curve with great detail by describing the details about the methods and areas that you should be aware of.

1. Select a User-friendly Username

A small percentage of users will join your account immediately once they have found out about you. In most cases, it takes some time for someone to begin being a follower of your profile.

For that to occur, you must be able to create a username that’s simple to remember and appears authentic. Imagine convincing a person to join your account, but when they check at you and realize that they can’t know your name!

Complex usernames with a lot of numbers and special characters can be difficult to remember. This can make your account appear unprofessional since it’s the fake accounts that load their usernames with special characters and numbers in order to duplicate the original creator.

An easy-to-use username makes it easier to attract followers via referrals and recommendations. People who learn about your blog via a friend or acquaintance aren’t in a position to locate your website if the username isn’t simple to define.

Let’s look at an example: If you search for”Zara,” the name of their brand “Zara” on the internet and you see that your Instagram handle is exactly the same as the name of the brand, but without any extra characters appearing on numbers. Naturally, it’s fairly easy to remember and there’s almost no chance of making an error.

On the other hand, if you scroll down, you’ll find plenty of other user names like “zara_roy_official05” and “makeup_by_zaara01”. Despite their growing influence, however, neither of these names is user-friendly and therefore will not attract a reputable and large public.

2. Optimize Your Bio

It’s no surprise that you need to give your followers reasons to follow your account. In some instances, when a user browses through your account or posts through Instagram’s Instagram explore page it will display your upcoming content in the feed.

In this way, they’ll continue to receive pieces of your brand not following you. However, if you wish to bring to get them on board as a brand-new follower, it is important to demonstrate what you can provide in order to make sure they are among the first to discover it.

Your first chance to wow new customers is via your bio. This is your best chance at expressing what your business is about and what you can offer in just the form of a few phrases.

It’s essential to ensure that your Instagram bio is brief, clear, and focused on your customers. Don’t boast, instead, explain the ways your followers can profit from your product.

Are you looking to grow your Instagram followers for your business? Let’s consider an example. The bio of Maybe line states that its products are environmentally sustainable and are free of cruelty to animals. If you’re an aspiring customer who has an unwavering belief in the protection of animals this single sentence can make you a follower.

We’ll admit it, nearly every other brand of beauty offers the same range of products offer, however, Maybelline stands out for its products that are cruelty-free for animals; how did a consumer discover the brand? Via a bio!

3. Post Consistently

As we mentioned earlier, just a handful of users will click the Follow button the first time they encounter your page and your content. For the rest, and most of them, you need to post regularly and make your company an integral part of what they do.

Instagram is home to hundreds of brands and creators posting every single second every day. Today’s users aren’t able to keep their attention and, to top it off there are algorithms fighting for attention from all directions including YouTube, Snapchat, or Tik Tok.

Thus, only continuous efforts to establish a connection with your customer will eventually make them loyal customers. Continue to post content that your followers will enjoy and provide them with an insight into your distinctive style. If they start to see you as the top experts in your field and they follow you, they will.

For instance, electronic brands such as Apple or Xiaomi post on a daily basis and/or every two days. However, businesses like Cosmopolitan and Elle which are mostly content-based, are posted often throughout every day.

Based on your business and brand depending on your brand and industry, you must find the right frequency. While it’s important to keep posting regularly, however, overdoing it could cause annoyance to your followers and force them to stop following or restrict your account.

The best method to ensure that you do not disrupt the regular schedule of posting is to sign up using an Instagram scheduling app like Clincher. Its bulk posting and auto-posting features are great for people who do not have time to change their Instagram stream manually.

4. Tap Into Trends

It’s no secret that the best method to get the attention of a larger audience is to use trends. Instagram is famous for a) creating new trends, as well as) creating them, and there’s no better way to say it than creating a major buzz from them, particularly in the reels section, where one trending audio can provide users instant access to many millions of people.

There are numerous reasons to keep an eye on a trend on Instagram. First of all, if audio is popular in the Instagram timeline that means this social network will promote any content that is published using audio. That means that it will promote your post without cost or effort on your side.

Another reason you should be a participant in Instagram trends is the straightforward fact: your target audience enjoys it. As a marketer, one of your most important tasks is to determine what your customers might enjoy. The latest trends ease your burden as you’ll be surfing well-liked content that has little or no chance of failure.

One of the primary aspects to consider when trying to capitalize on trends is to time your content to be on the right track. Again, you need to be in the right place. If you’re not there in time and you are not in the right place, you won’t receive the benefit of Instagram and will not be a part of the excitement.

If, on the other hand, you’re too late to the latest trend, chances are that the readers would be bored of the posts that are part of this particular trend, and your entire plan could go wrong.

5. Collaboration with Other Creators

Whichever social media platform you are using, working alongside other creatives is not the best strategy to boost your follower number. The main reason to collaborate with other creators is that regardless of how big your brand expands there will always be a portion of your followers that aren’t yet able to connect.

Instead of wasting your time trying to reach out to all the users in your targeted audience, you can tap into the networks of your collaborators. The method you decide to work with other brands and creators will depend on the nature of the service you offer.

For instance, if you’re a brand and want to engage influencers to advertise your services and products on their accounts or give an identity for your online ads campaign. Whatever you choose, you’ll increase the value of your brand by reaching out and influencing a new audience of people thanks to the influencer.

However, If you’re an author You might consider collaborating on content and then publishing it to both accounts. This can help you exchange audiences, benefiting both parties at a small cost.

However, it is important to be aware when working with other people that you must only work with influencers or individuals from your field. otherwise, any effort to expand your audience will fail even if it succeeds but it will not last since the audience wasn’t attracted to or a part of your particular niche in the first place.

6. Make sure you stick to a niche

Let’s look at several popular content creators beginning with Khaby Lame who gained a huge following through Tik Tok, and Instagram immediately after he began making videos in the wake of the locking down. The videos of Khaby all had the same approach, in which he repurposed videos in which the creator had created something naive, and then did the same thing with a more straightforward answer and in a sarcastic tone the best part!

Similar to this, if you take a look at companies like Tinder You will see that they regularly put out relatable and funny dating memes on their Instagram account.

As you can see, in both instances, the brand’s creator (or the company Tinder) has selected the best way to reach their users, and they remain loyal to that. If they choose to experiment with their approach, they may lose their distinctiveness and become dispersed among thousands of brands that are doing similar things.

So, the trick to achieving success in the world of Instagram is to establish your own niche that is distinctive and well-known.

7. Beware, fake followers,

The most simple answer to the question “How can I increase my Instagram followers?’ is to Instagram. It is to be wary of fake followers. It is important to be aware of the fact that the more followers you have the more likely they are to be able to trust your authenticity. This is why it’s tempting for brand-new companies to buy fake followers and then use them to attract real followers.

While fake followers may make your profile appear attractive initially, however, they do more harm than beneficial in the long term.

First of all, If Instagram is able to detect you’re buying false followers, the platform could make you pay by securing your account or even limiting your ability to reach.

Second, fake followers do not follow your account. Even even if you have a large number of followers, engagement on your new posts will be low as you must ensure maximum engagement for the Instagram captions reels, stories, or any other type of post. Then, you can reveal your secrets to genuine users who can identify your story easily which could hurt your chances of ever getting into the same good books.

Additionally, Instagram algorithms boost posts that are already performing excellently. The more engagement you get with your post the higher Instagram will promote it to larger audiences.

If your followers do not interact with your posts Your engagement percentage will decrease dramatically which will tell Instagram they think your post isn’t worthy of being promoted. Then all of your posts will receive a boost from Instagram naturally.

8. Post Shareable Content

If you’re looking to boost your followers base You must concentrate on converting your existing followers into faithful promoters. The aim isn’t just to connect with individual feeds, but as well to connect with their acquaintances, friends, and other contacts via shares, be it personally DMs as well as stories. This is among the most effective solutions to the question: How can you organically increase the number of your Instagram followers?

Let’s take an example: your content isn’t shareable when you get to 16k people, the lifespan of your post will be over. However, when you’ve got shareable content, a few of those users could share it on their social media accounts or DMs as well.

Even if only half of them share your post, and each has 100 people following you, the reach is instantly increased to 800k. This is why we see brands making appealing reels and memes instead of normal images of their products and services.

Additionally, you should ensure that you are ensuring that the content quality and integrity of your articles remain the same, or improve over the course of your journey. You will also have the time to concentrate on high-quality content only if you follow a predetermined content strategy. The most effective way to develop and adhere to an excellent content upload plan is to make use of the Eclincher Visual Calendar.

9. Change to a Business Profile

A brand or creator achieving overnight success on Instagram is an unplanned event. It’s usually a lengthy game that requires multiple strategies for marketing and understanding your audience in the course of the course.

The first step in growing your following on Instagram is to know your intended audience’s preferences and dislikes. This is why it’s crucial for you to change your profile to a company profile.

An Instagram professional profile offers complete information on each post, and for your whole account. It displays the number of people who view your post in relation to the number of users who have engaged with it. It also shows the gender, age as well as the location so you can design content according to the preferences of your audience.

Business accounts on Instagram can also grant access to premium features for businesses such as Instagram advertisements as well as promoted posts. In case you didn’t know that the most effective way to boost your visibility on IG is through promotions that can only be made by using business accounts.

Another advantage of having a company page on Instagram is the ability to share links via stories. Instagram is notorious for not allowing users to post links, whether on posts or stories. By including links in Instagram stories, you can add links to Instagram stories, you’ll be able to redirect traffic to your website or blog instead of limiting the audience’s connection or interaction to Instagram only.

10. Cross-Promote Your Account

It’s not a good idea for you to be restricted to just one platform. Advertise your Instagram handle across all of the other platforms that you’re engaged on in order to reach various segments of your target viewers.

If for example, you own a website that you own, you could display your Instagram posts in a scroll underneath each blog. The idea is not just to keep website visitors on your site for a long period of time, but it will also provide your Instagram account more exposure.

In the same way, numerous brands that use videos to market their products on YouTube frequently include Instagram handles within the description box and within the video. The basic rule this way: the more visibility your Instagram handle receives more followers, the greater your number will be.

11. Make sure you focus on Instagram SEO

You read it right! Like Google or other popular search engines, Instagram is also a part of its algorithm that can be altered to your advantage through the process of search engine optimization.

The first thing to do in order to build an Instagram brand Instagram is to ensure the account you are using is easily searchable. In contrast to popular brands such as Apple or Nike small-scale businesses should consider incorporating the keyword they use for the bio or username of their account. This will ensure that their profiles appear whenever you search for information relevant to their field.

Additionally, as a novice If you don’t have the number of followers you’d like for yourself the best option is to go to the “explore” tab and expand your reach to new people. In order to do this, ensure you are using the right hashtags. Make use of a mix of popular keywords with a larger reach and less-popular keywords that are less competitive to reach the largest number of users.

The most important SEO aspect of Instagram is the retention of users. So long as your posts are able to keep users on Instagram they will keep increasing the quality of your content. Make sure that your content is created to inspire users to respond, interact and share.

12. Run Contests & Giveaways

There’s no better method to convince followers to follow your account than by rewarding them to follow you. There are plenty of entrepreneurs and creators online today, which suggests that it’s becoming harder to identify a niche nobody else caters to. If you’re looking for a USP that can give you an advantage over your competition,

If, for instance, you own a cosmetics brand you could make a promotion that offers serum and face masks to the lucky five winners. In most cases, the brands set an obligation that the winners must follow their rules to participate in the giveaway.

Three ways that you can profit from organizing giveaways. The first is that you will gain many people who are new to Instagram and looking to win a prize. Even if the contest doesn’t go through, however, they will still be following you, as you make sure your content aligns with their interests.

In addition, you can request users to share their personal tags, which will expose your business to a wider variety of people.

Additionally, if your product is that great, the winner may continue to purchase with your brand and even recommend it long after the giveaway ends.

13. Make use of Instagram ads

With the sheer number of content creators and brands online, it’s not easy to think of innovative strategies that nobody else has used before. Every brand is always improving its Instagram profile posts, posts, and other tricks to get the most number of followers that it can. Therefore, there are times when you require an additional boost from Instagram itself via Instagram advertisements.

The most appealing thing about Instagram advertisements is that they offer the expected return on investment. This will help you determine your budget for advertising to be in line with your objectives.

It’s not necessary to use Instagram’s native advertising to market your brand You can choose other methods of promotion, including collaboration or influencer marketing.

There are also meme sites (yes it’s true that we should not discount these) and digital magazines that have millions of readers, and offer ads to emerging brands.

If you’re the first to make Instagram ads, you should go with the native system of promotion, which allows you to be more flexible in deciding who you would like your ads to target.

But, Instagram ads are a paid answer to the ‘How can I grow my Instagram followers?’ dilemma. Do you want to learn how to increase your Instagram followers without spending a dime? Consider the Facebook Creator Studio.

14. Engage with your Followers

Your customers don’t wish to work with a brand that does not address all of their questions or concerns. Although it’s not possible to respond to hundreds of messages but make sure to engage with the initial handful of relevant ones.

For instance, if, for example, you upload your product and someone makes a comment on an issue related to price or availability ensure that you respond to them with the message prior to sending them a DM.

If someone leaves an unfavorable comment on your post, you can respond to them publically in the comments section, clearing the confusion and reestablishing customer trust in your company’s reputation.

It is important to realize that consumers heavily rely on reviews and the experiences of other users before making a decision to purchase from your company. If a potential customer encounters a post in which you haven’t responded to the user’s concerns and concerns, they’ll perceive your brand as unresponsive and don’t bother to reach its consumers.

If a customer finds an online review that is negative and they discover you’ve taken no actions or even justified yourself in any way, it could be difficult for them to believe your judgment, which is understandable.

Interacting with followers on your social media is an effective way to develop lasting, personal relationships which can ultimately increase the rate at which your customers are retained.

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15. Post What Your Readers Want

When you change the account you have on Instagram accounts from personal to the business you should stop the thought of what you want and concentrate on what your customers expect from you. Posting what your intended users want is the best method to increase your reach on Instagram rapidly.

The most effective way to determine the preferences of your intended audience is to analyze the level of engagement that you receive from your posts. Look over your Instagram analytics to see which posts are attracting the most attention, and which posts aren’t catching the attention of your followers.

There are also companies and content creators who post polls in Instagram stories asking what kind of content their customers would like to view. It’s a simple but highly effective method. Sometimes, your fans will be awed and express their opinions as well as content requests in the comments. Follow your followers closely to engage them, interact with them and look at what’s trending to find the right content for your business.

About the author


I am a computer science graduate. Started blogging with a passion to help internet users the best I can. Contact Email:

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