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How To Knit A Basic Triangle Shawl

How To Knit A Basic Triangle Shawl

Knitting a basic triangle shawl is a great project for those who are new to knitting or are looking for a simple and satisfying project. A triangle shawl is essentially a large triangle-shaped piece of fabric that can be wrapped around the shoulders for warmth and style. It can be made using a variety of yarns and needle sizes and can be decorated with different patterns or embellishments. To begin, you will need to gather your supplies, including a pair of knitting needles, a skein of yarn, and a tapestry needle.

To start knitting your triangle shawl, you will need to cast on a certain number of stitches, depending on the width you want the shawl to be. From there, you will increase the stitches at the beginning of each row to create the triangular shape. Once you have reached the desired length, you will then decrease the stitches at the end of each row until only a few stitches remain. Finally, you will bind off these remaining stitches to finish the shawl. Remember, knitting is a relaxing and enjoyable activity, so take your time and enjoy the process!

Materials Needed

  • Yarn (choose a type and weight that suits your preference and the intended use of the shawl)
  • Knitting needles (pick a size that works well with your chosen yarn)
  • Tapestry needle
  • Scissors

Step-by-Step Guide

Ⅰ. Cast On:

Start by casting on a certain number of stitches, depending on the width you want the shawl to be. A good place to start is with a small number of stitches, such as 20 to 30. You can then increase this number as needed.

Ⅱ. Increase Stitches:

In order to create the triangular shape, you will need to increase the stitches at the beginning of each row. There are a few different methods for increasing stitches, but the most common method is to simply knit into the front and back of the first stitch of each row. This will add an extra stitch to the row and create a triangle shape.

Ⅲ. Knit the Body of the Shawl:

Once you have cast on and increased your stitches, it’s time to knit the body of the shawl. Simply continue to increase stitches at the beginning of each row until you have reached the desired length. You can choose to keep the knitting simple or add patterns and textures to the body of the shawl.

Ⅳ. Decrease Stitches:

Once you have reached the desired length, it’s time to decrease the stitches at the end of each row. This will create a tapering shape and make the shawl more comfortable to wear. The most common method of decreasing stitches is to knit two stitches together at the end of each row.

Ⅴ. Bind Off:

Finally, bind off the remaining stitches to finish the shawl. To do this, simply cut the yarn, leaving a tail, and pull it through the remaining stitches. Then, weave in the ends to secure the shawl and make it look neat and tidy.


  • Take your time and enjoy the process. Knitting is a relaxing and enjoyable activity.
  • Experiment with different yarns and needle sizes to find the perfect combination for your shawl.
  • Consider adding a border or edging to your shawl to make it look even more special.
  • Don’t be afraid to try new stitches and techniques as you become more confident in your knitting.


Knitting a basic triangle shawl is a great project for those who are new to knitting or are looking for a simple and satisfying project. With a few basic materials and a step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to create a beautiful and functional shawl in no time. Whether you keep it simple or add your own personal touches, you’re sure to be proud of your finished product!

About the author


I am a computer science graduate. Started blogging with a passion to help internet users the best I can. Contact Email:

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