
India cricket stars: whom to follow

India cricket stars: whom to follow? We all know that people all over the world are crazy about sports. In every country, there is some kind of sport, which is most liked. In such a situation, the most liked sport in the world is football and after that cricket comes in second place. The number of cricket lovers around the world is gradually increasing due to using the top 10 cricket betting apps in India. Talking about Asia, cricket is played in almost all countries and is very much liked. So, if you use Instagram, you can follow some Indian cricket stars.

Cricket is the most-watched sport in India. Cricket in India is not just considered a sport but is worshiped as a religion. The game has given many very beautiful and smart cricketers to the sports world. These handsome cricketers not only increased the popularity of the game with their brilliant talent but also earned a lot of names in the entire sports world with their smartness and personality.

Instagram has become, perhaps, one of the main platforms of our time. Unsurprisingly, many celebrities see the service as the most convenient way to tell fans about their everyday life. It is there, and not on the pages of newspapers and magazines, that sensational news, revelations, and details appear more and more often, which then become subjects of heated discussion.

Virat Kohli

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Millions of girls are crazy about Virat Kohli, the captain of the Indian cricket team and the best batsman. Virat Kohli is married to Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma. He looks very handsome and has millions of fans. Virat Kohli has been successful since joining the Indian cricket team and today Virat Kohli has become popular not only in India but all over the world.

MS Dhoni

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Name Mahendra Singha Dhoni is considered one of the greatest cricketers in the world and today he is a successful player. But the path to becoming a cricketer was not that easy for Dhoni and he had to struggle a lot in his life to become a great cricketer from an ordinary person. Dhoni is very fond of cars and motorcycles and has bought many types of vehicles and motorcycles. Apart from this, Dhoni is also very animal-loving and he also has two dogs.

The life of Dhoni is very inspiring for the youth of our country, and even today the number of his fans does not decrease. Even today, when Doni comes down to play on the field. So everyone is just waiting for his blow. Whether it’s IPL matches or international matches, Dhoni plays every match very calmly and helps his team win easily.

Sachin Tendulkar

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The king of cricket and a renowned player in the world of sports, Sachin was the former captain of the international cricket team. He is a batsman and he is the highest-scoring scorer in cricket to date. Fans call him the god of the cricket world. The countries that love them are scattered abroad. He has immortalized his name in the world of cricket with his abilities and skill. He has been awarded many awards by the Government of India.

He was given the status of God in the world of cricket, he gained many records and set new ones. In many matches, with his performances, he raised the flag of India’s victory. He has received many awards, medals, and trophies, he has also received many awards from the Government of India. Sachin Tendulkar may have retired from cricket, but even today people love him very much, remember his play and discuss his play.


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